25FEB - La Paz, Baja CA Sur, MX

From: peter@adventureprone.com
Date: Fri Feb 25 2000 - 01:37:42 PST

  • Next message: Peter Birch: "test again"

    Marc, Mark, Trina, Guy, and I just returned from a successful four day sea kayak trip in the Sea Of Cortez. We started on Isla Partida, and ended on Isla Espiritu Santo. The terrain was very desolate, but the rock formations were facinating. Lots of pelicans, crabs, sea lions, and frigates (large birds that look like pteradactyls.) We had no major problems, just some minor ones, like sunburn, a few mosquito bites, and the loss of some good vodka (after learning the hard way that pineapple juice will not stay fresh for four days in the baking sun just because it is mixed with alcohol.)

    Our friend Robert just arrived this evening, and tomorrow we head down to Los Barrillos, a key windsurfing destination. I still haven't sorted through all of my stuff yet, but it is clear that I have way too much. Already axed: my wilderness medicine book and extra first aid stuff, with much more to come.

    Already lost (with much more to come): one pair of sunglasses.

    I hope to get everything together for a test ride to Los Barrillos tomorrow. We'll see if that ever happens.

    I should have my first travel story with accompanying photos in a day or two. I've already managed to successfully upload a picture, so I know the technology works (it's on my home page; a picture of the internet cafe where I was doing the testing. I needed to show to the woman there what I was doing to explain why I kept having to reboot her computer.)


    Momentarily residing in La Paz, Baja CA Sur, MX

    World traveler/photographer
    Travel stories, photos & more at www.adventureprone.com

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