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14 MAR - Oaxaca, MX!!!

From: Peter Birch (
Date: Tue Mar 14 2000, 07:07 PM PST

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    Well, I finally made it. I didn't think I was going to, given that I came up
    20km short the day before. I decided to take the "Carretera Cuota," which is
    a system of pay highways, since it was shorter, had better pavement, and less
    climbing. And I had no idea what those signs with the bikes with red slashes
    through them meant. I only speak English and Spanish, I don't know sign

    Much to my surprise, much of the trip was downhill, and I made it to Oaxaca in
    record time. There wasn't any access to water or food along the way, so I had
    to suffer for the last couple of hours.

    I have to admit that biking 7/7 days with a heavy touring bike over hills is
    more work than I expected. I am really looking forward to taking a couple of
    days off and relaxing. Where is a good masseuss when you need one?

    I have good access to the internet for the next couple of days, so expect some
    new stories soon, and if you send me mail, I should be able to reply quickly.
    I even found an internet cafe that only charges 10 ps/hour! (US$1/hr.) Sure
    beats paying US$1 a minute for my pocketmail.

    I'm not sure what the plan is from here; I'll figure that out in the next day
    or so.


                 Peter Birch,

    Read my latest travel stories, see photos from around the world,
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