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22 MAR - Comitan, Chiapas MX

Date: Thu Mar 23 2000, 08:26 AM PST

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    Depending on who you talk to, I am either 70 or 250km from the border of Guatemala. I believe the latter is correct.

    I went on a miracle diet today, shedding 18 lbs in just over three hours, thanks to the post office. I'm down to two shirts, one pair of riding shorts, and tevas and biking shoes. No more polar fleece, hiking boots, or spanish grammer book. Warm weather gear in on its way to Panama (I hope), the rest is taking a slow boat to my parents' house (thanks Mum and Dad.)

    It got really cold last night (I camped outside) and everything got soaked with dew.

    The plan is to ride at least as far as Antigua, Guat. It should take just over a week. Hopefully the hills should be a little less grueling with the reduction in weight.


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