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7 APR - Kampala, Uganda

Date received: Sat Apr 07 2001, 06:32 AM PDT

I'm now in the capital city of Kampala. I haven't really been doing much in the last couple of days, since I seem to have come down with a cold/lung infection, so I've been resting a lot. That, and going dancing in the evenings. I figure I'd better take advantage while I'm here.

Kampala is a great city, with great nightlife, a wonderful market, and a great vibe. I was planning on leaving here tomorrow, but I still need to go to the bank, and I missed bank hours today. Therefore, I may have to wait until Monday morning to leave. I could probably use a bit more rest anyway.

After here, I will head to Kibale Forest to do some hiking, then head down to Mgahinga Park to go gorilla tracking for a day.


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