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3 APR - Sipi Falls, Uganda

Date received: Wed Apr 04 2001, 05:12 AM PDT

Yesterday was one of my favorite days in Africa. I went for an all day hike to the lower, middle, and upper Sipi Falls. It is very mountainous here, and the falls are some of the most beautiful I've seen. I walked through many villages on the way, and met many wonderful people. At the end of the day, I met a group of children playing, and ended up practicing multiplication tables with them. The kindness of the Ugandan people continues to amaze me.

I'm staying at a place called The Crow's Nest, as small camp with huts perched on the top of a hill overlooking the falls and the valley below. It is stunningly beautiful and peaceful here.

I arrived two days ago, in the middle of a downpour. It rained the whole day, so I just stayed in the lounge area writing. Yesterday the weather was wonderful, with rain coming only for an hour in the evening.

Soon, I will look for a taxi heading back to Mbale, then take a bus to Jinga. Jinga is located right near the source of the Nile.


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